Testing Information
You must register online here.
If you qualify for free or reduced lunch, you can get:
Two ACT test waivers
See Mrs. Herd for waivers
Students with Accommodations:
You need to register for your test then request accommodations with Mrs. Herd
ACT will review and approve or deny the accommodations request
It takes 2-4 weeks for accommodation approval from ACT
Once approved, your counselor or Mrs. Herd will notify you
You must register online here.
If you qualify for free or reduced lunch, you can get:
Two SAT Waivers
Four college application waivers
See Mrs. Herd for waivers
Students with Accommodations:
You need to request accommodations with Mrs. Herd
College Board will review and approve or deny the accommodations request
It takes 7 weeks for accommodation approval from SAT
Once approved, your counselor Mrs. Herd will notify you
Then you may register for your SAT
Codes you will need when registering:
FHS School Code- 442640
All Juniors will take the PSAT/NMSQT in October of their Junior year.
Test will be administered during the school day on school campus.
Students must pass all 5 EOC's to graduate from high school
Algebra 1
English 1
English 2
US History
TSI Test - When Offered at FHS
Everyone that wishes to attend a college and/or university must pass TSI Math, Reading, and Writing before graduation.
Cost: $5 per test (unless you are taking the test for DC purposes, it is free on the first attempt)
Students with Accommodation: See Mrs. Herd
Sign up for TSI Test with Mrs. Herd in the counseling office or fill out the form online. TSI Testing Form